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Social Responsibility

Our strategic focus in Istrabenz Plini Group is the concern for sustainable development. Our strategy of the social responsibility is based on providing quality and safety to our employees as well as ensuring safe environmental management and support for the local community.

Each employee in the Istrabenz Plini Group contributes to the success and development of our company.

Ensuring the safety of all employees is crucial for providing a healthy and stimulating working environment, given the nature of the work. In doing so, we strive to create an inclusive environment among our colleagues, provide professional and personal development through our training system, and are committed to complying with all regulations relating to labour law and operations in the gas industry.

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Safety at work and care for health and the environment are always the top priority at Istrabenz Plini Group. We are guided by our responsibility to our employees and surrounding residents, and our advanced safety management system enables us to respond to safety challenges quickly and efficiently at all times. Improving the safety culture in all Group companies remains a priority. Working with our parent company SIAD and using their security system further strengthens our resilience to the various security challenges in the modern world. 

In order to continuously develop and upgrade our safety management system, Istrabenz Plini is certified according to the requirements of SIST ISO 45001.

Within Istrabenz Plini and the SIAD Group, we are constantly updating our risk assessment system, providing training and encouraging employees to follow good safety practices. We advocate a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise, a varied diet, no smoking and no alcohol consumption, and we keep our employees regularly informed about new developments in healthy living and workplace safety. 

We are moving our entire safety management system away from learning from mistakes and towards modern safety management and learning from positive examples. Our long-term goal is to achieve Safety 2 standards. We treat all accidents at work with the utmost seriousness, always guided by the vision of “Zero Accidents at Work”.

Our key tasks are:

  • Identifying hazards and taking corrective and preventive measures.
  • Continuous security upgrades at our facilities.
  • Upgrading active and passive security in the company.
  • Training of employees and informing the surrounding area of the dangers.
  • Actively informing our customers through electronic media, brochures and leaflets. 
  • Working with firefighters and civil protection in the area of our largest plants.
  • Setting an example in the gas industry in safety, health and environmental care.

Istrabenz Plini has two plants with a higher risk of large-scale accidents in Slovenia (SEVESO), namely in Koper and Celje. The most serious hazards are associated with the storage of large quantities of LPG and oxygen. We are aware of our responsibility for our safety and the safety of our surroundings, which is why we continuously monitor our safety system through risk assessments and regular safety inspections, and carry out all tasks in compliance with the legislation. We keep the public informed of all new developments and ensure a regular flow of information.

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Environmental care is one of the Istrabenz Plini Group’s fundamental policies. We are developing applications for industrial gases through a wide range of activities in all industrial segments and manufacturing processes, many of which are an indispensable part of modern ecological solutions.

Our solutions, developed in collaboration with established experts, reduce energy consumption in a wide range of industries and improve our relationship with the environment. We are committed to using gas as an energy source, which by the very nature of its operation contributes to reducing pollution.

We are committed to leading by example and to reducing or eliminating our negative impact on the environment, even in our day-to-day activities. We continuously strive to ensure the efficient use of energy for heating, vehicle propulsion and electricity by using the latest technology in our appliances and vehicles. When it comes to handling of the waste we have introduced separate collection and disposal by authorised waste management companies. Water used in the technological processes of inspecting and testing pressure vessels and tankers is recycled and reused.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification

In 2004, Istrabenz Plini received the ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification, which we have successfully maintained.

Environmental objectives

Based on the environmental policy, we have set the following permanent objectives within the Gas Policy, on the basis of safety reports and risk assessments:

  • Aligning our operations with the requirements of environmental legislation.
  • Increasing safety when handling and storing our products.
  • Preserving natural resources.
  • Improving the preparedness and response in case of emergency.
  • Improving working conditions and employee satisfaction.
  • Effective internal and external communication.
  • Extending the established system to all companies in the Istrabenz Plini Group.

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Quality is a key value of the Istrabenz Plini Group. Quality relates to products and solutions for customers, as well as to our relationship towards employees, customers, business partners, owners and the environment in which we operate. 

At Istrabenz Plini, we have certified systems in place to confirm the quality of our services. They help us to ensure efficient processes, reduce environmental impacts and improve health and safety at work.

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In order to create diverse content and ensure our contribution to society, Istrabenz Plini cooperates with local communities in the areas of sport, culture and humanitarianism.

Through our sponsorship and donation policy, we aim to create a partnership with the environment that is the basis for the long-term development of both the Group and the entire social community.

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GIZ TP logo pdf
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As a company with a solid tradition, knowledge and experience, we are members of the following professional associations:

GIZ UNP, Economic Interest Grouping for Liquefied Petroleum Gas, g.i.z., abbreviated GIZ UNP, g.i.z.

GIZ UNP, g.i.z., is responsible for coordinating key activities and harmonising standards among LPG providers. We have been a founding member of the association since 1996.

The Association’s key objectives are:

  • Achieving professional competence in the liquefied petroleum gas and technical gases sectors.
  • Uniform regulation of safety and health, environmental protection, quality and transport of dangerous goods (ADR).
  • Uniform implementation of technical regulations.
  • Preparation and uniform application of standards.
  • Coordinated cooperation with competent institutions.
  • Promoting the use of LPG and technical gases.
  • Crisis management for LPG and technical gases.
  • Membership in the EU LPG Association (Liquid Gas Europe).

GIZ TP, Economic Interest Grouping for Technical Gases, g.i.z., abbreviated GIZ TP, g.i.z.

We are a founding member of the association since 2005. The Association’s activities mainly cover the following areas of work:

  • Professional competence in the pursuit of technical gases activities.
  • Uniform regulation of health and safety, environmental protection, quality and transport of dangerous substances.
  • Advising members.
  • Uniform implementation of technical regulations.
  • Preparation and uniform application of standards.
  • Coordinated cooperation with the competent institutions in the adoption of regulations and on other issues.
  • Accelerating the use of technical gases.
  • Crisis management for technical gases.
  • Membership of the European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA).
  • Continuous exchange of information that may be useful to achieve the objectives of the association.

Istrabenz Plini is also a member of the European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA).

GIZ DZP, Economic Interest Grouping for Natural Gas, g. i. z., abbreviated GIZ DZP, g. i. z.

The Economic Interest Grouping for Natural Gas (GIZ DZP) was established by distribution system operators (DSOs) to distribute natural gas in local communities and to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of gas pipeline systems. Istrabenz Plini has been a founding member of the association since 2001.

The Association’s activities include:

  • Supporting operators in their core activities and creating the conditions for successful operations in the natural gas market; promoting the use of natural gas to end customers,
  • promoting the transfer of knowledge and enforcement of international technical regulations (DWGV standards),
  • striving to raise the visibility and take-up of new gas technologies that ensure a high level of energy efficiency.

SIAD Group Sustainability Report 2023

SIAD sustainbility report 2023

As part of the SIAD Group, Istrabenz Plini is committed to a sustainable future. The Sustainability Report of the SIAD Group reflects the joint efforts in adhering to the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

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