Protection of whistle-blowers and reporting of violations
At Istrabenz plini, we strive to establish a working environment in which there would never be any violations or irregularities – also in relation to external stakeholders. However, our work environment is very intensive and, despite our efforts, it could happen that something goes wrong.
In February 2023, the Act on the Protection of Whistle-blowers came into force in Slovenia (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 16/23; "ZZPri"), which regulates the area of reporting and handling violations detected in the work environment and the protection of whistle-blowers in the event of retaliatory measures by the employer.
In accordance with the ZZPri, we have also established an internal and external way of reporting violations of the regulations in force in the Republic of Slovenia and of which individuals have learned in the context of their work environment, as well as protective and support measures to prevent or eliminate retaliatory measures that were/could be imposed on whistle-blowers as a result of the submitted report.
If you are a natural person who has a non-employment relationship with Istrabenz plini, such as volunteering, internship, apprenticeship, contract work, student work, participation in tender procedures as a candidate or other cooperation with the company;
and if within a period of no more than two years you have detected conduct in the work environment that you consider constitutes a violation, and a REPORT is required, you can submit it, preferably on the FORM, found under RELATED FILES – BELOW, in the following way:
• by e-mail: zaupnik@istrabenzplini.si
• by regular mail: Istrabenz plini d.o.o., Bertoki, Sermin 8A, 6000 Koper, with an annotation “ne odpiraj – v roke zaupniku za notranjo prijavo” (“do not open – for the attention of the internal reports trustee”)
• in person to a trustee, after prior agreement by e-mail: zaupnik@istrabenzplini.si
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